Begin again.

by | Jul 14, 2020 | Nourish

Change is the only constant.

Whether change arises in our circumstances, beliefs, our health, or something within or beyond our control, one thing is certain. Change can be incredibly uncomfortable. When we feel the tide changing, we can cling for dear life, grasping for the shore, or we can let go & allow the current to carry us.

Sometimes change is gradual & slow. Other times it comes as quick & swift as the current of a mighty river to sweep us away. Change & our ability to adapt + respond to it, result in our ability to adapt & access new layers. When we glimpse the absolute Truth of something beyond us, we can surrender & trust in the shifting tides.

Over the last 18 months of my life, I have experienced massive upheaval, rerooting & change. As a collective, being quarantined in our homes has given us an opportunity to re-evaluate things from a new perspective. There will be more about the major shifts, but at another time.

We can begin again in small & big ways. Updating the website has been a beginning again for me. When I initially launched it, I didn’t know what it was for, I just knew that I needed to begin in order to figure that out. Honestly, it’s something that never feels ‘done’. It can always be improved, different, better. It’s a living document & as a digital tool, it can change + shift as quickly as I do. Through this beginning again, I really wanted to let the blog go & delete all the ‘evidence’. Many of my previous shares are in complete contradiction to what resonates as Truth to me today. After a great deal of thinking, I have decided to let them stay. They will serve as a reminder of a previous chapter. A chapter that molded & shaped me, that helped deliver me to where I am today.

These previous posts will also, hopefully, serve as a reminder of our capacity & ability to evolve, adapt, & change our minds when presented with new information. Not only that, but a reminder that when we share sacred moments in a digital space, we can’t take that back. They can never be just for us again. Sharing what I have in this blog offered me many lessons learned & again, I didn’t know what it’s role was for me until I started using it. The chapter of ‘Begin’ was a necessary process of trial & error. I’m human. I’ve made mistakes. But deleting that chapter to wipe my slate clean, so to speak, just didn’t feel right. If others can learn through sharing in my process & misunderstandings, then that’s reason enough for me to leave them be.

In the future, I will touch more specifically on what exactly has changed within my understanding & beliefs that makes these previous shares out of alignment for me. But that’s a story for another day.


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